Thursday, August 18, 2011


Last week we went to Stinson beach for one last summer fling before S started school:
sandcastles with Dad
end of our day, but kids not ready to go back home
first time at the beach=love

this girl was in heaven! She was in her suit in the freezing water with an overcast/foggy morning, and loving it!

Friday, June 10, 2011


I can't seem to find the "fold and put away" button on my dryer...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kids photoshoot

Our friend Shannon took some great photos of the kids a few weeks ago, here's the link

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Drumroll, please...


$15 bucks at a yard sale this morning. With the money I saved we'll be able to buy lots of earplugs.

Friday, May 27, 2011

She's 5 and more

Look! Our friend Aimee was in town visiting her family, whom we happen to live close to...(thanks, God!)
What a treat to spend several hours with her and her kids--first at her Mom's house, and then they came to our house for the morning of S's birthday.
So I made S a panda cake for her 5th birthday.
and cupcakes for both of her pre-school classes.

Everyone got into the Hungry Hippos game from the grandparents.
Bedtime popcorn snack
I guess this was R's idea of how to help P get in some reading time...
And finally, here's an idea for you...instead of either ignoring, or handing your money to the homeless person begging by the street corner, make up some of these bags and keep one in your car at all times to hand out.
Here's the website of the folks who came up with the idea, The contents of the entire bag cost me $2.96, and includes a pair of black socks (presumably b/c they don't show dirt), a gospel tract, a few wet wipes, kleenex, water, food items and mints, and directions/info about our county's homeless shelter/mission.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well, it's been awhile...3 months since the last post. Yikes. What can I say, we've been busy--here's a pic of the kids in S's "new turquoise room" as she still calls it, on her new twin bed.
Shortly after we moved the phone company was pouring some concrete after a repair for the sidewalk in front of our house. R was in heaven, watching the cement truck at work!
P chillin' in her chair-which used to be R's, which used to be S's...
R's 3rd Birthdsay--cake with crushed oreo's on top for dirt, and candles in the shape of excavators and dump trucks etc.
During the month of March, S's preschool class had a dress up day every
Friday. Here she is on Pirate day.
And here she is on Wacky dress up day.

One of the kids favorite dinnertime veggies is frozen peas...R helped himself this time, and got the mother lode.
happy girl
Easter morning

S carrying an egg on a spoon
Coloring eggs
A shot from our recent trip to Ohio, to meet Baby Lacey (the kids' new cousin)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Got Books?

Anyone have books laying around that you've already read, or will never read, but you don't want to just give them to Goodwill? Try joining've been a member for several months now, and it's pretty easy--just make a list of the books you have, and a list of the books you want, and Swap will match the trades up. You can even print your shipping label from their site, so you don't have to make a special trip to the post office--(I've tested it out, and the website gives me the exact same price as the post office if I take the book there to mail.) Happy swapping!