Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well, it's been awhile...3 months since the last post. Yikes. What can I say, we've been busy--here's a pic of the kids in S's "new turquoise room" as she still calls it, on her new twin bed.
Shortly after we moved the phone company was pouring some concrete after a repair for the sidewalk in front of our house. R was in heaven, watching the cement truck at work!
P chillin' in her chair-which used to be R's, which used to be S's...
R's 3rd Birthdsay--cake with crushed oreo's on top for dirt, and candles in the shape of excavators and dump trucks etc.
During the month of March, S's preschool class had a dress up day every
Friday. Here she is on Pirate day.
And here she is on Wacky dress up day.

One of the kids favorite dinnertime veggies is frozen peas...R helped himself this time, and got the mother lode.
happy girl
Easter morning

S carrying an egg on a spoon
Coloring eggs
A shot from our recent trip to Ohio, to meet Baby Lacey (the kids' new cousin)

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Yay! I have SO missed your blog updates! Thanks for the post! Um, Piper is ADORABLE! I cannot wait to see her and Lizzie play together...just a couple more weeks!