Thursday, October 30, 2008

Folsom City Zoo

We met Aimee and her boys (and their Grammie and Grandpoo) at the Folsom City Zoo--it is a wild animal sanctuary and you can get closer to the animals than you can at most zoos. It is quite small, but quite perfect for our toddlers. And the train ride is a must!

S had fun chasing this albino peacock--they have lots of peacocks and chickens/roosters roaming free throughout the zoo. You are about 4 feet away from the tigers and bears, oh my!
Just happy to be a part of the action
2 Sheldon Animals
4 little monkeys
The kids loved feeding tree leaves to the deer

Group Photo on the train ride

Silly Stuff

I am a member of the Dixon Mothers' Club, and we had a Halloween party last week for all the little kiddos--Here is Saylor as a princessRanger gets in on the fun
Hey Mom, have you seen Ranger?!He's a buckethead!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


This month our annual fee came due for our website, and we decided to cancel our subscription and switch to this free blogger format-the upside being that we can add more commentary to our pictures, the downside being that it's not as easy to view old, previously posted photos. These are some of the pics I had most recently posted on the old website.
Chillin' in my old bouncy seat
A shared interest: dirt
Saylor's first pony ride-she loved it!

What a face!

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Skill

At 7 1/2 months, R has figured out how to pull up to standing. He has also figured out how to pull the floor lamp over in Saylor's room and break it-twice-how to army crawl quite fast when he really wants something (like a floor lamp) and how to cut a tooth. And the army crawl doesn't look like it will last long since he's getting his knees involved a little more every day. Honestly, 3 weeks ago he could barely sit up on his own for more than 30 seconds without tipping over...I guess something just clicked. Well, wish us luck...I think I'll go make sure his health insurance is up-to-date.