Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Drum roll please!

Piper Hadleigh is here!

I was scheduled to be induced b/c I was finally 2 weeks past my due date—when we arrived at the hospital I was only 1 ½ -2 cm dilated, so at 9am they started me with a dose of Cytotech, which was supposed to help me dilate. By 2 pm I was only 3 cm dilated, but was having contractions too often (about every 2-3 minutes, although they were generally short and not very strong ) to be given another dose of Cytotech. So they gave me the option of breaking my water, which might kick the contractions into high gear, or starting Pitosin which would increase the contractions but could be more intense…we opted for breaking the water—by the time they did that at 3:15 pm, I had dilated to 4 centimeters, and contractions were already a bit stronger. Within about a minute of breaking the water, the contractions were coming FAST and HARD, and baby girl arrived just over an hour later, at 4:24pm. Like R, she had the cord wrapped around her neck twice and was blue, but fortunately she wasn’t nearly as big or broad-shouldered as he was, and she only needed a little bit of help to get started breathing on her own. Stats were: 9 lbs, 21 ½ long. Each labor and delivery experience has been so very different from the others, and I must say that 3 experiences seem like enough for me right now!!! So we’ve finally decided on the name Piper Hadleigh, not for any particular reasons other than that we just like it. Welcome little Peanut, I’m so glad you’re finally OUT.

New Baby

Somebody thinks he's still the center of attention.

Papa showing S and R their new housemate.

Weighing in. Check out those thighs!

Fresh out of the hopper.

She's got some long feet. Continuing our legacy of children with blue eyes and big feet.

I am not happy. I want to go home.