Friday, June 26, 2009

It's A...(Part 2)

We are in Ohio visiting my family, and Paul’s parents drove down from Illinois yesterday. Since our families live so far away they don’t get to participate in any of our baby doctor appointments/births etc. And since we weren’t able to determine the sex of baby #3 due in October at our last (and final) ultrasound with our doctor, we planned a big surprise for our visit here: We scheduled an appointment at a private 4D ultrasound place and took our parents and my brother and his wife with us! We didn’t tell them where we were going, so when we got there and they found out they would get to be in the same room with me and watch the ultrasound being projected on a wall they were thrilled. Sure enough, the first view we had of the baby revealed: it’s a girl!!! It was very exciting, and we brought home a dvd of baby girl-at one point she was standing up and down., up and down…at least she has plenty of room in there!

Friday, June 12, 2009

In One (Lip) and Out the Other

I was in the middle of cooking dinner Wednesday evening when I heard a sudden shrieking coming from the bathroom- R had climbed up on a 1 foot high stool (which S uses to wash her hands in the sink,) and then fallen off...apparently hitting his mouth in the process. Blood was running everywhere, and as I mopped him up there seemed to be a line of blood on his skin I couldn't rub off...turns out he bit all the way through his lip!! Yikes. That was bad enough...until Thursday morning when he tripped over his own feet, smashed his face into the floor and reopened the wound--blood everywhere again. For the rest of the day I had him strapped into either the stroller, the highchair or planted in front of a video--anything to keep him on the good side of gravity! We're glad to report that he is now 33 hours face-smash free and his lip is healing nicely. The wound inside his lip (which you can't see in this picture) is about a centimeter long, and the wound in the skin below his lip is about half a centimeter.
Something tells me this wasn't the last trip we'll be making to the Urgent Care clinic...and pancakes sound pretty good to me too!

S is now in a month of "Summer School" (which is 2 hours a day, 4 days a week) but on the last day of the regular school year they had a Hawaiian Luau party which I was able to attend with R--we brought the pineapple :)
Not sure what message this look is trying to send--"Enough pictures Mom" or "This pineapple is rancid" ?

Monday, June 8, 2009

It's Not A Boy or A Girl, It's...

...A Cheese Burrito?? We had our 20 week ultrasound appointment today, and we were hoping to find out the gender of Baby #3...unfortunately he/she was "folded up like a cheese burrito" (P's words.) Baby was in a breech position (butt-down,) and basically doing a toe-touch with it's head. The doctor said she couldn't even begin to guess what the gender was, and baby wasn't interested in budging a bit. Oh well. We don't have plans for anymore ultrasounds, so I guess we'll have to come up with both a boy and a girl name--or at least one gender-neutral name! But we got a nice long video of the ultrasound and baby looks well. Only 20 more weeks to go :)