Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yeah, we're still alive

Yes, it's been awhile since the last post...2 months! But we're still alive, and here's what we were up to in July...

P wearing the sailor dress Grammie made for S 4 years ago!

Yum, Mom, look what R got for me!
P chillin in the pool

We also took a trip back to Ohio--here we are with the Woller fam
Paul showing the kids something we don't get to see out here--lightning bugs!

Boating--S loves being on the water!!

While we were in Ohio, we also got to see some of Paul's side of the family--here is P and cousin Grant, (they are about a month apart in age) isn't he cute?
R and Grampy
Trying to take a family photo...
R and cousin Logan are about 2 months apart in age, and Grammie made them both a t-shirt with a trash truck on it since they are both into big trucks.

And now for August--we were fortunate to get reservations at the Harvey West Cabin in the El Dorado National Forest (about an hour and a half from us here in CA.) We spent 3 nights there with my parents, and had a great time.
View from the cabin's deck
S and R loved the dirt and sand, and played in it most of each day...
which meant they had dirt coming out of every crack and crevice...(hey, this picture seemed like it fit the theme for R in this post)
and which is why they took a bath in a box each night before bed!

and camp craft time--tie dye shirts of course.

And now we're back to school--first day at a new morning preschool, Neighborhood Christian, 3 days a week...

and she is also continuing at the special ed preschool 4 days a week in the afternoon, with speech therapy twice a week. She's a busy girl, but happy. Stay tuned for a video post--we've got a new crawler!