Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A few photos--of the less significant aspects of "Easter"

Is that Elton John in his Easter best?!
S sittin' pretty.
Ok, we've got these eggs, now what?
Ohhhh...now we get it.
Hey, Mom just ate my goodie!
At a friend's house for dinner, R & S scooped up more eggs.


In the last month, R has become proficient at leaving his mark around the house--he enjoys making a mess wherever he can...
...especially on himself.
Reshelving the DVDs is a nightly routine for us.
Why do I bother folding the laundry and putting it away?
He especially seems to love emptying laundry baskets...
Fortunately he has also very recently discovered the joy of putting things INTO baskets, boxes etc--and he always gives himself a round of applause when the item he has just chucked in the general direction of its container actually makes it into the bin.