Monday, November 17, 2008


It appears that once R discovered the concept of moving around, he didn't want to waste anymore time just sitting around. He is pulling up and shuffling along on anything he can now-his favorite being the bottom stair here:
Here he is working his way around the dining chair
the blue tape line in the background above is supposed to keep R from crossing into the kitchen. So far it's not been as successful as it was with S...of course she didn't even really crawl until she was a year old. Did I mention these 2 are a little different?
Trying "homemade" green beans--not a fan! I think it's the texture...
When she's happy, he's not...
When he's happy, she's not...
Ok, we'll settle for this one.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sugar and Spice

If S is our Sugar... Then R is our Spice! He is definately keeping us on our toes.
Here he is in the Baby Olympics:
Army Crawl
Crawling on all fours
One-Legged Scoot

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

The Princess & The Pea(pod)
S getting bullied by her 8 month old brother-snatching her stuff is one of his favorite pasttimes.

S in her pretty purple princess hand-me-down costume-thanks Andee Jean!!

R was pretty much busting out of his pod, and it didn't last long since he couldn't crawl in it or even lay on his tummy with those giant foam peas in the way. But hey, we got the picture at least ;)