Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Last Saturday evening we were at the playground and S tripped over something and basically landed on the cement with her face. The next morning she looked like this, which Paul thought really just made her look like she belonged in Hollywood.
Fortunately for her photo shoot, her pajama top fit the occasion:
Here is R using Dad's water gun as a vacuum-seriously, that's what he was doing...maybe a modern take on the verse, "they will beat their swords into plowshares" ?
That being the case, then I guess he won't need to borrow Dad's camo hat anymore :)
Ok, so the water gun was out of storage for the annual Grace Fellowship Rafting trip which Paul went on this past Saturday. While he was gone I took the kids to the Davis Farmer's Market and bought a half-flat of yummy strawberries and some blackberries to make jam.
Jam in the making:
This is only the second time I've ever made jam, and the first time on my own. The instructions are full of words like, "quickly" "immediately" "exactly" and "precisely." And did I mention that Paul was gone for the day? That said, the kids ran rampant: R emptied out his diaper bag to locate his "emergency" pacifier (which I did finally at least clip to his shirt since he was dragging it around outside;) and they snatched a bag of popcorn off the table and dumped it ALL out and ate it off the floor.
Hey, it kept them busy.
And it was worth it--9 jars of Stawberry-Blackberry jam and 9 jars of Strawberry jam,
and SOOO yummy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

PJs, Tomatos & Ohio

Dear Aden and Jonathan, Thank you very much for all the super cute hand-me-down clothes. Mommy and Daddy love these pajamas; don't I look like a little man?
I think they also gave me your guys' special skills in finding yummy food like cereal to snack on, and inspired me to follow your example of eliminating all distractions to eating (like packaging.)
(Now where's that milk?!) Thanks again, boys! Love, R

Here's a picture of 2 of Paul's tomato plants, taken about 3 weeks ago; he's enjoying the tomatos now! Two of the plants got so big they tipped over the containers so he had to temporarily anchor them with a rope to a nearby palm tree :)
The kiddos enjoyed the pool at my parent's house when we visited Ohio last month, although S looks a little suspicious here :)

My brother's puppy Bailey found one of R's pacifiers...