Friday, September 25, 2009

Brother & Sister

S and R are good for each other in so many ways--R is built-in forced socialization therapy, but S thinks he is a lot of fun too. Here's a sweet hug between the two--rare, but not unheard of for them. :)
Bath Boy
My first baby girl
We can't get enough of these blue eyes.

I took R to JC Penney for 18 month photos, but he seemed scared/crying for some reason and in half an hour we didn't get a single good shot. So Paul thought he would try some creative portrait photography--here's my favorite I think.
Usually we can't hardly get S to look at the camera, but she was all smiles that day for some reason

By the way, it's still 100 degrees here. yeesh.

Friday, September 11, 2009


My friends living outside of California are posting lovely pictures and comments about their fall weather--it sounds so wonderful to be starting to pull out cozy sweaters and drinking hot chocolate at night (sigh) since it's 98 degrees here in Dixon, with a "6 weeks from my due date heat factor" of about 198 degrees. I've managed to make it through the whole summer with only 3 pairs of maternity shorts, and i'm growing quite weary of them.
Lest there was ever any doubt, it does cement in my mind the fact that were I alive 150 years ago, I would NOT have been one of those brave pioneer women crossing the plains in a covered wagon. Guess I'm more Little House in Civilization than Little House on the Prairie :)
P.S. Have I mentioned that R has condensed his vocabulary into 3 essential words? "UP" for up and down, "HI" for hi and bye, and "WATER" for every single other thing under the sun. However, he recently learned a new word besides "water"...he loves the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar--which he now calls a "waterpillar." (perhaps he's destined to be a plumber??)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pictures I should have already posted

I stole the title of this post from one on my friend Courtney's blog--actually it could be the title of all of my posts! :)
Mom and Dad came for a visit and babysat the kids for a few days so P and I could go to the Sonoma Coast for our 10th anniversary. We also took them to Fenton's Creamery while they were here:
We had to share with the kids...
Or maybe they were sharing with us!

A hummingbird in our backyard.
An R in our backyard :)

Coming in for a landing on this popsicle
(hey, it's been super hot here--we're just trying to keep cool!)
Silly Girl
Are we done taking pictures yet?
Bike riding with Dad