Friday, October 30, 2009

Trick or Treat

Every year the businesses in downtown Dixon have an afternoon of trick or treating for kids--it is a lot of fun and our church sets up a booth to pass out candy and Bibles . S was Cinderella (not because she cared but because I had bought the costume at a garage sale for 50 cents when she was only 3 months old...) Surprisingly she liked twirling around in the dress and wore the crown the whole time!
R was a firefighter--please note the soot from our outdoor firepit on his face...he liked that part the best.

And here's one for you Uncle Nate!
Last Friday S had her first preschool field trip to a local pumpkin patch--and they had a lot of pumpkins!
Here she is so excited to be on a hayride with her teacher, Miss Michael.
They had a gigantic "corn kernel bath" which the kids LOVED--S is laying down in it (she's wearing black shirt) and R is trying to crawl through it.
Here she is jumping into the corn!
R taking a roll in the corn

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Almost Due...or not.

I had a Dr. appointment yesterday, and by ultrasound baby girl is measuring at 8 1/2 pounds...or 7 1/2 or 9 1/2 or anywhere in between. Apparently ultrasound meaurements at this stage are not a definative predictor of baby's birth weight. And she hasn't descended at all either, so looks like I'm in for another "overdue" baby--S was 4 days "late" when they induced me, and R was 10 days "late." (This one is due 10/27.) By the way, check out my new hair--S stopped and looked at me for a long time when I returned from the salon, then said, "Mommy has brown hair!"
(9 days before due date here, taken on my birthday--32 this year!)
Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Apple Hill & Aunt Stacy's Challenge

We returned again this year to Apple Hill to eat apple doughnuts (and apple fritters and apple pie and apple cider...SO good!) and enjoy pony rides and pumpkins with the kids. Here's one of the miniature horses enjoyed by our kids (all 3 of them as you can see.)
R's first pony ride--he didn't say much but seemed to enjoy it.
S loved her first pony ride last year, and this year was no different!

Picking out a good one.

Here's a photo of Kissy Lips I forgot to post last time...
And now a message from R to Aunt Stacy, who challenged him to a race after they both got new shoes..."Check these babies out Aunt Stacy, Dad says they are superfast shoes...
You don't really think you stand a chance in beating me now, do you??
I didn't think so. (Especially since I'm apparently in Lifeguard Training too.) Love, R.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

It'a a NO-NO!

R likes to climb up the couch and pull the rod off the window blinds--which makes it a big No-No...

Letting out the animals

My trademark dance