Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby P makes 3


So it's been awhile since I've been on here...P will be 1 month old by the time most of you read this...I can't believe it! Here are a few pics...guess I'll have to take pictures of her looking cute while I still can--in the days since these were taken, S has knocked a storage tub off a cabinet onto P's head and this afternoon R swiped a toddler fork off the dining room table and was trying to stick it into P's head. Not to mention S trying to sit on her and R wanting to push her while she's in the baby swing...


Aimee said...

AMAZINGLY we have had no such incidents with our boys and Elizabeth...I think Aden must have met the family quota when Jonathan was an infant...seriously, Aden was CONSTANTLY roughing up poor Jonathan...of course the two most "memorable" were when he whacked crying 2-month-old Jonathan in the face with a shoe and yelled "quiet" and when he pulled three-month-old Jonathan off of a hotel bed by the feet causing him to drop head first on the hard floor. It's amazing Jon Jon survived infancy...seriously! Anyway, thankfully (and amazingly) both boys have been super gentle and careful with Miss Elizabeth. Lucky for her! I'll pray for Piper!

Stacy Christian said...

They say touch turns on the genes that help us survive physical and emotional stress when we get older. P should be stress free then!
Hugs for all of you!