Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Poh-kin" Time

Since S is in 2 pre-schools (our neighborhood's Christian pre-school, and our public school district's special-ed pre-school) we got to take 2 field trips to pumpkin (or as R says, "poh-kin") patches this week. They were both SO much fun for different reasons...
The first, Impossible Acres, was highlighted by the half hour the kids got to spend with very docile farm animals--sheep, ponies, goats, chickens, and lots of babies--bunnies, a calf, piglets, pygmy goats, ducklings, and chicks.

The second, Cool Patch Pumpkins, was great because S had been there last year with her class and couldn't wait to go back. And Paul was able to go with us, which was even better. It was about 92 degrees that day, and this bright hot blue sky needs no enhancement.
P on the hayride

For sure the highlight of this patch is the enormous corn bath. Sort of like a giant sandbox filled with corn kernals. The kids all loved rolling, crawling and jumping in the corn. If you've seen this next picture on Paul's facebook/flickr page, you'll notice he photoshopped in some black wings and a sword...guess he couldn't resist her mid-air angel pose.

R's jumping style was more of a side-tuck

S getting tickles from her fabulous teacher


Aimee said...

Wow! With that little hat on, P looks SO much like S! Cute! Oh, and J calls them "punkmins"...I love it!
And, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Miranda, Happy Birthday to you! (Almost!) =)

Courtney said...

92 degrees while you pick pumpkins(shaking head)...crazy California. Austin and R say pumpkin almost the same way. I think it's my current favorite word in his vocabulary!